Design Intervention

For the design class, everyone is making some type of prototype based on our observations. It could be about almost anything. For me, the thing I was most interested in was the cute mascot characters seen around; including commercial masco…

Week 1 finished~

Pretty surprised the first week is almost over!! It's definitely going a little to fast for my liking haha. First off, the Nezu Museum was beautiful. Unfortunately we couldn't take any pictures inside, but I took plenty of the garden that …

We made it!!!

Hi everyone!! Technically this is my third day here, but I've been really busy settling in and all that jazz... I'm gonna cram a lot of info into this post but whatever hahaha.. It'll be all over the place. So I'm finally here!! It's reall…


いよいよ!! ACENのために、2時間しか寝なかった... ね む い。 Gonna keep this short bc lol tired as h e c k bc of ACEN. But!! Super excited. At the airport now~ Boarding starts in about 20 min. Then sleeeepp.. «٩(*´ ꒳ `*)۶»ワクワク もちちか…


こんにちは、皆さん!日本に行くまであと3日!!(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) 今年もブログを書くつもりです✩ 去年、エントリーは2~3つしか書かなかったlolそれだから、毎日のようにエントリーを書くようにしているよ~ ほとんど英語で書くけど、日本語も使う。 I dec…