We made it!!!

Hi everyone!! Technically this is my third day here, but I've been really busy settling in and all that jazz... I'm gonna cram a lot of info into this post but whatever hahaha.. It'll be all over the place.

So I'm finally here!! It's really exciting that I've been waking up around 5 am lolol. Jet lag probably is contributing to that too. Our hotel is really cute and small! It's essentially a freshman dorm with minimal furinture. Just a table and futons with some hangers. Most of us are in doubles, but I got lucky and have a room to myself~ For three weeks too!!


For my classes, we're using a classroom at Sophia University for classes. I'm really happy about that since I'm somewhat familiar with how to get around! I hope we get a chance to talk with some students... That'd be fun~

On Tuesday we had a group dinner at a kaiten sushi place and then got to go around Shibuya for a bit! I did some shopping at 109 for the first time haha. Yesterday I went back to Shibuya (got to replace my luggage hehe) and also Harajuku with some classmates for a short while.

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Today we're visiting the Nezu Museum!! I actually am sitting in a nearby Starbucks right now lolol. I got up really early and stopped by Yushima Tenmangu and Kanda Myojin on my way..

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